Seventeen Theses on DIY Science

An opening provocation to the 'DIY Science: the challenges of quality' at the European Commission Joint Research Centre, Ispra 16-5-15

  1. diy science doesn't happen inside walls with armed guards [note: this refers to the workshop venue]
  2. the question of quality is really a question of objectivity
  3. leaving the scientific hegemony doesn't mean pure relativism; that is scare tactics
  4. use donna haraway's situated knowledge: objectivity is about particular embodiment, not the god trick
  5. "only partial perspective promises objective vision" (haraway)
  6. the question of DIY science is a question of self-governance: learn from other struggles e.g. luddites
  7. 'open' alone won't save science;  learn from open data that does bad as well as good
  8. cultivate disrespect for scientific authority (not dismissal, based on historical contingency of knowledge)
  9. book proposal: "the joy of empirical discovery" modelled on alex comfort's 1972 book "the joy of sex"
  10. science is weak, so it's a good time to be pushing
  11. DIY science is based on social justice - DIY science should always 'punch up'
  12. beware recuperation: we don't do deconstruction to benefit the religious rightwing #1980s   
  13. the hack-fab complex could be an opening for neoliberalism c.f. squatting. beware assimilation!
  14. DIY science & repression: when you start to make a difference there will be arrests.   what are you willing to risk?
  15. DIY science should seek social movements
  16. DIY science is transformative: coming to know should change the knower. find affinity with indigenous communities
  17. the universe is a trickster. "Feminist objectivity makes room for ironies at the heart knowledge production"
